Human doctors

Can Artificial Intelligence replace human doctors?

We are heavily dependent on artificial intelligence in today’s day to day life. A survey conduct suggest doctors in medicine could be replaced by artificial intelligence in majority if not completely. A very thin line in difference of opinion emerged out of 5275 poll participants 43 percent doctors opinioned that AI will indeed replace human doctors. However 57 percent doctors disagreed with this notion or argument.

Can Artificial Intelligence replace human doctors?

Artificial intelligence is a way of making a computer, a computer controlled robot, or a software ruminating intelligently in the similar way the intelligent humans think. It is a science and technology based on disciplines such as computer science, biology, psychology, linguistics, mathematics and engineering.

From the traffic signals to robots performing surgeries artificial intelligence has penetrated almost every aspect of our daily lives. But artificial intelligence is not designed or shaped to replace doctors but to amplify their proficiency, institution and knowledge.

Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science that aims to create computers or machines as intelligent as human beings. Humans have developed the power of computer systems in terms of their diverse working domains, their increasing speed and reducing size with respect to time making it all artificial intelligence. Further we can say artificial intelligence is an area of computer science that emphasizes the creation of intelligent machines working and reacting like humans. Some of the activities of artificial intelligence are: speech recognition, learning, planning and problem solving.

A major thrust of AI is in the development of computer functions associated with human intelligence such as reasoning, learning and problem solving. To get an overview if artificial intelligence can replace human doctors below points can be helpful:

Ever since automated data of structured and un-structured machinery was put to work alongside humans there has been the fear AI would destabilize society and replace doctors. The advanced healthcare is reality concept not science fiction movies and beneficial as a whole.

There’s clear agreement throughout the tech world that AI in one or another way will indeed change the way of dependence on old existing concept of relying on doctors treatment but where people disagree is whether or not humans will be able to adapt this change or not.

Artificial Intelligence has the ability to learn from past followed traditional cases. They offer doctors the access to the latest news in medicines, the healthcare sphere and studies in the area of particular domain etc. A human doctor can’t do this combining effort following the latest trends in treating the patients. That’s why AI has become a vital assistant in the healthcare sphere.

Medical records and effective diagnosis makes the necessity and vitality of AI by minimizing the medical costs on doctor’s office visits. Being able to submit health reports online patients don’t have to go to hospitals so often with number of human errors will minimize connecting with the record keeping.

It is a tool that provides doctors with precision, comfort and superior visualization while going for a surgery. With this tool patient’s hospital stay is shortened and it reduces pain and medical charges. By 2020, the machinery market learning application will reach $40 billion. Nowadays only 1% of all applications are built with artificial intelligence features. By 2018 their number will grow up to 50%.

Having more than 80 patients per week, the similar amount of attention for each patient become difficult for doctors to heed and a margin of error is quite possible by them. Artificial Intelligence in medicine is a way to eliminate mistakes relating to human fatigue and doctors are relived from the monotonous cases and tasks.

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